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Dreams come true

Hello friends :) So I've never blogged before and I'm not a writer, so don't expect anything profound.  Here recently a friend inspired me to notate my new adventures, so I figured why not? I hope that what I write will at least inspire or encourage anyone else, so here's a little of whats been going on...

I'm a small town Texas girl who LOVES the city life! Especially NYC! I graduated in 08 with a degree in Fashion Design, but when I graduated I had no idea what I wanted to do? I was feeling frustrated, and confused. On top of that I didn't get the chance to do an internship while in school... actually it's more like I didn't think I needed one... I regret that now, so if any of you fashion lovers are thinking about avoiding an internship... DON'T!!! Remember, internships offer connections maybe even the chance to get a job sooner. After I graduated I was thinking, "what was the point?!" I was so mad I just spent all this money for what? After working in retail awhile I finally came to my senses and realized that there was a purpose and a reason for me going to school for FD. I love it! So, after passing through the emotions, and denial I finally accepted that this is what I'm meant to do. Not many people know what they want to do in life or have a passion for anything, I feel very fortunate in that area. So two years after graduation I moved back home with my parents (fortunately I like my parents), paid off unnecessary credit cards, and purchased things to get me going towards the career path I desire so badly. Four years later, I got my internship... in NYC!!!!! I start July 1 and will live in NJ.

My point to this blog is that, if you have a passion for something don't give up on it. There are people out there who love you, want to see you happy, and be a success. If someone would have told me 4, 3, 2, or even 1 year ago that I was going to be at this point, I wouldn't have believed them.


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