In the words Sinatra, "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today, I want to be a part of it, New York, New York!!!"
I still can't believe I'm here!!! Friday morning we leave Pennsylvania at 8a. It takes us about 31/2 hours to get to my destination. Google maps portrayed where I'll be living exactly how it looks. Pictures definitely won't do it justice, but I'll do my best to show all of you what it look likes here.
I still can't believe I'm here!!! Friday morning we leave Pennsylvania at 8a. It takes us about 31/2 hours to get to my destination. Google maps portrayed where I'll be living exactly how it looks. Pictures definitely won't do it justice, but I'll do my best to show all of you what it look likes here.
This was a full service gas station. How great is that! In case any of you are unfamiliar with what a full service gas station is, well it's where someone pumps your gas and cleans your windshield. Although I don't know if you're suppose to tip??? And fuel was definitely more expensive at this location, but that was the only place. Fuel everywhere even in the city was about $3.40-$3.50
Isn't PA gorgeous! Green country, blue skies.... :)
Hello New York!
Traffic actually wasn't too bad. If you know where you'r going and stay alert, you're good. I still don't recommend driving in the city unless your use to it.
Once we arrived at my apt, we unloaded everything and then did the tourist thing.
How perfect is this sign! We ate at this restaurant inside the Empire State Building. Wonderful food, recommended.
What you see from the 86th floor. Such a beautiful day :)
See the green? That's Central Park.
Chrysler Building
The necked cowboy!
What I got to see coming home from NY. How gorgeous :)
What I see outside my apt
I'm on the 6 floor
If you come see me you have to press one of this buttons to be let in :)
If you wanna take the stairway to the 6th floor here you go :) but the main reason I took this pic is because this is what my dad and brother went up to move my work table up to my room! Its an 8'4"x3' work table! Yea they were drenching in sweat, poor guys... actually I was more concerned for dad then my brother.
The hall way to the apt... It's pretty small. Beware of the elevator... it'll shut fast.
So... this is my space. I'd show you the rest of the apt, but out of respect of my roommate, I'll just stick to showing you my room. It's actually a nice size for me. It's all organized now, this didn't last for long.
Zeke was pretty worn out.
My second night in the apt and I hadn't made it out to get groceries, so I order Chinese delivery... $10 not bad :)
I'm still trying to get things together and organized. I'm determined to make it outside today, so i'll be taking pictures.
Keep in mind that this really isn't a bad size apt. It's not as small as I thought it would be, and even though this is a NY apt, its not a NYC apt. My roommate (who is NY born and raised... a NYorker) informed me that an NYC apt are called railroad apts. That means everything is lined up. Here's an example...
I found my roommate on Craigslist, and was very fortunate. Things are woking out well. She's not crazy, a little more eccentric then I am, but it's been great. I'm glad I'm living with a roommate, she's been a huge help in recommending places and how to get around, so for that reason I do recommend a roommate. She's greek/puerto rican... how awesome is that! I've never been around someone who is of Puerto Rican descent, so it's a very cool learning experience. Her friends have been over, their absolutely fabulous! One of her g/f's was so sweet to inform me what a PR nationality consist of... which can be Indian, African, and English(I think that last park is correct.)
Hope you enjoyed it, now to get bk to work...
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